How it Works
The device delivers a breakthrough in the industry of handheld detectors of its type by providing greater sensitivity and specificity of detection as well as portability, faster turnaround times for sample analysis and a significantly lower cost/sample in comparison to current competitors. Additionally, the testing can be self-administered without need for detailed sample preparation or user training with the device. The device is Bluetooth compatible and can be operated from any mobile device with internet accessibility.
Collect Tap Water Sample
Simply fill the supplied sample tube
Fill the sample tube with tap water to the 30ml red fill line.

Add Sample Prep Solution
Easy to use dropper bottles are provided
Add 5 drops of the acidic digestion solution and 10 drops of the reducing agent solution to the sample tube to dissolve insoluble lead. Invert tube repeatedly, wait 10 minutes before proceeding with sample read.

Insert Sensors into the Device
Magnetic mount makes it easy
Insert a sensor into each sensor port as shown. Be careful not to touch the gold conductor portion of the sensors.
Open the NanoAquaSense App
Bluetooth connection
Follow in-App instructions to prepare for testing.

Add Test Samples to the Device
A few drops in the sensor is all it takes
Using the provided pipette, add appropriate volumes of sample to both sample ports.
Conduct the Test
The system will analyze the samples
Follow the easy in App instructions to analyze the sample. Results will be displayed in about 1 minute, expressed as ppb of total lead contained in the sample.