Recently, the University of North Carolina’s water testing results showed more than half of the buildings reviewed had least one water fixture with lead.  This includes their football stadium, Kenan Stadium. The testing was done in sinks, water filters and water fountains.  Nanoaffix portable lead detector will be useful for testing campuses and schools to avoid complications with taking and sending out samples to ensure contamination is rapidly discovered and addressed. There was another issue at 47 Delaware public and charter schools.  Study results found some schools tested had as many as seven outlets with lead levels above either 7.5 or 15 ppb.  Unfortunately, there was a delay with dealing with the results because results were shared with maintenance professionals not the rest of the school communities.  There was also a delay between obtaining tests results and shutting off contaminated outlets. On-site lead testing is important for reducing possible delays in dealing with lead contaminated outlets in the paperwork and communication involved with sending tests to external labs.  Generally, it’s understood lead contamination isn’t safe.  The complications come from the money, time and communication factors involved with water quality testing.  On-site testing makes it more likely test results can be directly reported with fewer steps in the communication process.