The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the action level for lead should be at 15 parts per billion (ppb). If it exceeds this recommended limit, action will need to be taken to remediate the water in the location the sample was taken. Additionally, the MCLG (maximum contaminant level goal) is 0.00 mg/L (ppm). This means that no level of lead in water is safe, which is why we strive to detect lead in drinking water to know where the source of lead needs to be removed. Health impacts from lead exposure can result in damage to the nervous system and various organs, especially in children, which demonstrates the importance of evaluating lead concentrations in our water sources.

Schools should especially keep a close eye on what is in their water as well. In March of last year, the EPA proposed a fact sheet containing information regarding how schools can maintain the quality of their water during days when school is closed. It is important to monitor and maintain the quality of the water in plumbing when not in use. The fact sheet states that stagnant water may result in bacteria growth as well as higher levels of metals (this includes lead) from plumbing components. There are various actions that schools can perform to maintain the building’s water quality. Such actions include a toolkit module proposed by the EPA, contacting water professionals, flushing plumbing systems, maintaining water system components, developing a water management program, and documenting the actions they take for preventing stagnant water from causing such issues. The fact sheet also recommends the schools get their water samples tested for lead. It mentions how “there is no safe blood lead level in children. The best way to know if there is lead in drinking water is to test for it.” The EPA also recommends that in order for the water samples to represent typical drinking water in the facility, the samples should not be collected for testing immediately after a closure or immediately after flushing the plumbing. They should have the system run for a little while. And after that is done, it should be tested before providing the water to the building’s staff, students, and other consumers.

NanoAffix is here for everyone who is interested and/or concerned about lead levels in their water. Feel free to reach out to us at anytime with any questions you may have about our testing meter.

Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water. United States Environmental Protection Agency. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Patil, A., Hatch, G., Michaud, C., Brotman, M., Regunathan, P., Tallon, R., Andrew, R., Murphy, S., Ver Strat, S., Undesser, P., & Redden, K. (2013). Lead Fact Sheet. Lisle, Illinois; Water Quality Association.

Environmental Protection Agency. (2021, March). Ensuring Drinking Water Quality in Schools During and After Extended Closures.