Lead Levels Elevated in Drinking Water Across the Country
Since revisions were made to the Lead and Copper Rule in 2022 testing for lead in drinking water has ramped up significantly in many cities across the United States. With that being said, more testing has led to other rising concerns. One of those being many of these cities are finding higher lead concentrations [...]
Lead Testing in School Buildings Across the Country
Recently, the University of North Carolina’s water testing results showed more than half of the buildings reviewed had least one water fixture with lead. This includes their football stadium, Kenan Stadium. The testing was done in sinks, water filters and water fountains. Nanoaffix portable lead detector will be useful for testing campuses and schools to [...]
Could Replacing Lead Pipes with Plastic Cause New Concerns?
Replacement of the United States six to ten million lead service lines is complicated by what the proper replacement pipe material would be, such as copper, iron, steel or plastic. 35 percent of US utilities’ spending on drinking water distribution will go towards plastic piping, but the potential health risks from plastic material is unclear. [...]
Importance of Replacing Aging Water Infrastructure
The average American uses 82 gallons of water per day in their home. It is critical that not only the water is treated and safe to drink, but also the water gets to residents without leaking through pipes. The importance of replacing aging water infrastructure continues to grow. The longer we wait to replace this [...]
A Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with a Single Step
Ensuring clean, non-lead contaminated water is a goal everyone would agree is important. Reaching this goal is challenging, however. Nanoaffix’s sensor technology is intended to fulfill the need to detect this problem which is still present despite efforts and regulations to address it. There are multiple contributing factors to the continued existence of lead [...]
Importance of Testing in Schools
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that the action level for lead should be at 15 parts per billion (ppb). If it exceeds this recommended limit, action will need to be taken to remediate the water in the location the sample was taken. Additionally, the MCLG (maximum contaminant level goal) is 0.00 mg/L (ppm). This [...]
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